VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2020 ) > List of Articles
Shaifaly M Rustagi, Rohini Pakhiddey
Citation Information : Rustagi SM, Pakhiddey R. Splenunculi Duplex in Association with Atypical Vasculature: A Clinico-anatomical Appraisal. Journal of Medical Academics 2020; 3 (1):17-19.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10070-0053
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 18-01-2021
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).
Aim and objective: To report a rare case observed in the Department of Anatomy at a Medical College in Northern India during routine cadaveric dissection for first-year medical students. Background: Many anomalies of spleen have been reported which include multilobulated spleen, persistent lobulation, accessory spleen, asplenia, ectopic spleen, polysplenia, splenunculi, wandering spleen, and splenogonadal fusion. These splenic anomalies may be associated or may not be associated with other anomalies. Case description: We found an enlarged spleen with two accessory splenunculi of different sizes, lying separately, with no connection between them. Independent branches from left gastrosplenic artery were seen to be suppling each splenenculus. The enlarged spleen was completely covered by the left lobe of liver at its superior border. Conclusion: Accessory spleens or splenunculi have clinical significance in cases of splenomegaly, splenic trauma, and lymphadenopathy observed during clinical or imaging studies. Clinical significance: During the procedure of splenectomy, splenic lobules should be looked for and should be removed if present. In cases of ruptured primary spleen, accessory spleen can be preserved as splenic tissue.