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Jain M, Dhagat PK, Dwivedi A, Arora S, Singh SN. Spectrum of Radiological Findings on Noncontrast Computed Tomography Head in a Trauma Center with Cases of Acute Head Injuries. Journal of Medical Academics 2018; 1 (1):26-34.
Background: Noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT) head provides clinically and surgically important information in brain trauma. It can depict the severity, level, and prognosis of head injuries. Aim: To depict the spectrum of NCCT-radiological findings in cases of head injuries at this center. Material and methods: Noncontrast CT head examination of 518 patients were retrospectively included in the study for the duration of the year 2015 to 2016 and 2016 to 2017 by retrospective screening of the electronic report's data of last two years of about 7000 patients, who had history of head injury as well as NCCT evidence of head injuries and in whom surgical/clinical follow-up for final diagnosis was available. CT scan was done in all the patients with Somatom Emotion CT (16 slices) Siemens medical systems. Patients included have presented with a history of head injuries and those who were brought for suspected head injuries. Postoperative patients and patients associated with other body parts injuries were excluded as the clinical outcomes of these patients could not be judged because of multiple system involvement. Result: A total of 518 patients were taken among whom 355 were male, and 163 were female with age varies from 1 month to 92 years with a total number of deaths noticed in the study were 13. The road traffic accident was the commonest mode of injury. The radiological findings (contusion 15.2% and 3.1%, diffuse axonal injury 2.3% and not reported any case, subarachnoid hemorrhage 13.6% and 4.9%, extradural hemorrhage 8.7% and 3.1%, subdural hemorrhage 15.5% and 11.7%, skull fractures 29% and 18.4%, midline shift 4.5% and 6.1%, scalp hematoma 8.7% and 24.5%) were seen in males and females respectively. The cases associated with > 4 radiological findings have more associated fatal outcomes than the cases with < 4 radiological findings (p-value = 0.0001). Conclusion: The study enlightens the significant positive findings on the NCCT which is the fast easily available procedure and can be used for early diagnoses and management. Thus NCCT head helped in decreasing the mortality. The more radiological findings showed a significant relation with mortality in the study.
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